Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Professor Pyraminx

Strategy from Pre-2013 Guide

1. Center tips. Either simple twists to move 2 or 3 around into place, or go get it moves.

2. Corners to Centers. Several simple twists.

3. Center Edges. The Move. No inner slice moves required.

4. Inner Edges. Use the 3-cycle that does not disturb center tips. 

 R LongHorizontalSlice R' D R LongHorizontalSlice R' D'

5. Corner Edges. The Move. No inner slice moves required.

I've fiddled around with step 4 without scrambling the whole thing and don't really want to scramble it. I think I will just put it away. Maybe I'll do it later in August. Maybe not.

Strategy from 2020

1. Centers using Up Replace Down or The Move
2. Weird edges using 8-move Commutator (Inner Edges)
3. Edges using The Move

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