Thursday, July 16, 2020

Our "Garden"

This morning when we were Zooming with the CZ kiddos our "garden" came up. By garden I mean our yard. The question was asked what flowers do we have in our garden. The immediate response was none. But I decided to share through photos some of the plants we do have.

The first three photos are really two photos. The first photo was taken up close to this unique little plant that is growing on the flat spot down from the house. The second photo is the same picture only cropped to zoom in further. The third photo was taken standing up. So the first pic was taken from inches away and the third was taken from a few feet.

The next two photos also show the same thing. First from inches away, then from a few feet. You know those little bushes that we had down front when we first moved here? You know the one that I let grow tall down near the Bushy Tree? Well I have done some pruning, and plan to do even more, but there is some new growth this season. If and when I get to pruning it more I plan to leave the new stuff.

Next we have flowers! They are bright yellow flowers on a little... uh... weed?

Some time ago—last summer?—we got a grassy plant that came with Marigolds growing aroung the base of it. One came back this year.

Down by the road there is a Ponderosa Pine. At least that is what I think it is. Love it.

And of course there is Rosemary. They had flowers, as they do every Spring, but the flowers are long gone this year.

Don't forget the Bushy Tree!

And then there is our little patch of pretty grass growing next to the patio. How did that happen? Got me. As you can see we live in a very uncultivated location. If it grows on its own, great! We do not have a lot of water to work with, and it does not rain during the summer. 

We do have a row of Junipers in pots that sometimes live on the patio, but are currently living in the shade of the house. At the end of the house I hung a bird feeder that gets constant attention from our local bird population. We have even seen some beautiful Grosbeaks. A rare treat.

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