Thursday, July 9, 2020

Fisher Time Wheel on the New Cushion on the New Swing

We recently got a new patio swing. Marae bought a black sheet and covered some thick foam to make the swing more comfortable. Here we see a very scrambled Moyu Fisher Time Wheel chillin' on the patio swing. And now I am chillin' on the swing with the puzzle on this pleasantly warm summer afternoon.

Vocabulary (referring to the picture above)
The piece with 3 colors on it is an Outer Edge, seeing as this is a Fisher Cube.
The white piece adjacent to the Outer Edge is an Inner Edge. 
The big piece with 2 colors on it is an Outer Corner.
The little white piece adjacent to the Outer Corner is an Inner Corner.
The green piece with 1 color in the middle of the green face is a Middle Layer Edge.
The blue and orange pieces in the photo are Middle Layer Inner Edges. 
The green and red piece at the center of the green/red circle is a Middle Layer Center.
The green and red piece above the green red Center is an Inner Edge.
The green and red pieces next to it are Inner Corners.

  1. Hold the puzzle with the white center on bottom.
  2. Pair up a white Outer Edge with a white Inner Edge and take it home. Repeat for all 4 white edges.
  3. Build a 3-piece Corner-Edge Pair from a white Outer Corner, a white Inner Corner, and the corresponding Middle Layer Edge. Take it home. Repeat for all 4 Corner-Edge Pairs. Of course the Corner can be built and paired up with the Edge using URD as it is solved.
  4. Pair up all the Yellow Inner and Outer pieces.
  5. Orient the yellow Edges. There may be an odd number that need to flip because one of the the Middle Layer Edges may be flipped.
  6. Permute the yellow Edges.
  7. Permute the yellow Corners.
  8. Orient the yellow Corners.
  9. Orient the Middle Layer Centers. At this point it will look something like 
  10. Build blocks consisting of one 2-color Inner Edge and its 2 adjacent Inner Corners. In order to do this it may be necessary to store some of them on top and/or bottom. Also, although I'm not sure if it is avoidable or not, some of the Centers may get twisted.
  11. Use The Move to move all of the blocks into place. 
  12. Orient Centers.
  13. Permute Inner Edges.

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