Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Dayan Gem V

This is it! This is the last puzzle on my list to solve and I want to solve it in June and this is the last day of June. Before I get to it though I want to journal ... This morning we Zoomed with Raymond and fam. It was great hearing from all of them. To close out our time together I read chapter 1 of the Janette Oke book, Impatient Turtle, aloud to the kiddos. I hope to make this a daily activity. Yesterday was the kiddos' last day of school for the school year. (This first paragraph was written yesterday, in June.)

On to the Dayan Gem V. First, with this puzzle, the color scheme is far from obvious. Finally I made a Color Guide. The squares are the square faces. The colors in all caps are the triangles.

On the Puzzle List page of the Solution Guides it says: Centers; Little Edges; Big Edges.

How to solve it
  1. 14 Centers
    1. The 8 central triangles can be solved in either 0, 1, or 4 twists. The Move is the worst case scenario.
    2. The 6 central strips on the square faces can be solved using The Move x 2. Use The Move x 2 rather than simply The Move so the triangles stay solved. 
  2. 12 Small Edges (corners)
    1. Start with the purples on bottom. Purples in the middle layer can be solved with 1 or 3 twists. Purples on top can be solved with 3 or 4 twists. Really it doesn't have to be purple on bottom, but that is consistent with the color scheme above.
    2. Next solve the 6 pieces in the middle layer. 3 or 4 twists each if they are in the top layer.
    3. The remaining top 3 pieces will take 0 or 1 twist to solve.
  3. 12 Large Edges
    1. Hold any triangle on bottom. Twist a large triangle layer as either R or L. You don't want to move a small edge to the top layer. Do an URD 3-cycle.
    2. Sometimes squares get built but need flipped. The up-back-down-switch-up-forward-down-replace-go back edge flipper works great.
When I first got this puzzle I worked out a solution that used a bit of reduction, and a 3-cycle that used an inner slice. I watched rline's tutorial, but it seemed unnecessarily difficult. But the one thing it did have going for it was no inner slice moves. So after some bantering with Konrad online I set out to come up with a solution that was better than my original one, and better, in my opinion, than rline's. The above is it.

In my original method I started by building square faces, checking large triangles, solving the reduced edges (square faces), solving the 4 centers that hadn't been solved since the beginning, and finally using my slicy 3-cycle to place all the little edges (corners).

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