Sunday, June 28, 2020

Bandage Cube

I have a Mefferts Bandage Cube and I have a CubeTwist Bandage Cube Kit. For the purposes of this experience I have bandaged the kit cube like the Mefferts cube except with Blue front, Yellow top, and Red right. This is not a cube that I ever sit down and refigure out or remember how to solve. So I started by looking up the Solution Guides pre Fall 2013
On the Puzzle_List page it says:
5—F' U L F U L' U2; 6—R U F R U' R2 F'; maybe ds; 8—(R U R' F') (U L' U' L) (F U'); maybe ds; 1—ds=(R U2 L' U) (R' U2 L U'); 743—(U2) (L F' L' F) (U') (R' F R F') (U')

What else have I said about the Bandage Cube in the past? A little over 3 years ago I posted a blog entry that referenced two other previous posts in different places. One was my Bandage Cube adventures from almost 9 years ago! And the other was from a couple years earlier! The blog entry linked doesn't just mention the other two posts. It looks like I copied them to the post.

Now, in the past I talked a lot about colors, which now I have changed. In the past I talked a lot period. Let's see if I can flesh out the above briefness without getting too detailed.

Somewhere along my puzzling adventures—maybe with the Bandage Cube—I wanted a way to refer to the 8 corners of the cube and I came up with 1 for FLU, 2 for FRU, 3 for FRD, 4 for FLD. Then 5 for BLD, 6 for BRD, 7 for BRU, 8 for BLU. 

  1. Orient the Centers
  2. Corner 5 (Orange Green) F' U L F U L' U2. [ 14735 ] If OG is at 6 or 8 start with R U to get it into the cycle.
  3. Corner 6 (Red White) R U F R U' R2 F'. [ 38146 ] If RW is at 7 start with DoubleSwap to get it into the cycle.
  4. Corner 8 (Yellow Green) (R U R' F') (U L' U' L) (F U'). [ 178 ] If YG is not on top use DoubleSwap to get it there.
  5. Corner 1 (Blue Yellow) 
    • From 3 use DoubleSwap (R U2 L' U) (R' U2 L U') [ 13 / 47 ]
    • From 4 use 743 then DoubleSwap. 743 = U2 (L F' L' F) U' (R' F R F') U'
    • From 7 use 743 x 2 then DoubleSwap
  6. Corners 7 4 and 3 U2 (L F' L' F) U' (R' F R F') U'. [ 743 ]

Bandage Cube Scrambles
Thanks to James the "thebackflipmaster" for the following list of scrambles.

R U R'F'U2L U'F'L F L'U'F U'R'F R2U2F'L'F'L'U L U  
 x U2L U'R'F2L F'R F2L2U'F R U'L U'F'L'U2F R U L'U2R' 
 x R U'L U'F2L'F U L'U'L F L'U2R U'L U2R'U2L U'F'U L2 
R U2F U'R'U'R'F R F'U'R U2F'L'U L2F U'R'F2L F2R'F2  
F'U L F U'R'F R2U R'F'R U F'L F L'U'L F2R'F'R'F L2  
R U R U2L'U R'U'R'U2L2F2R'F'R U F'L'U2R U'L U'F2L'  
R U2F U'R'U F'L'U L U2R'F R2U F2L'U L U'F'L F2U'R'  
U F2R F'U2R'U F R'F'R U R U F'U L U2R'F2L'F U L F'  
 x U F'L'U L U'F'L F U'F R2U2L'U2R'F'U F U'R'U F'L'U2
 x R U2F'L'U L U'F'L F U'F R U L'U R'U F U F R'F L'U' 
 x F'U L2F2R'F L'F2R F2L'F2R2U2L'U R'U'R'U2L F'L'U L 
 x U F2R F'U2R'U F R'F'R U R'F2L F'R F'U'F'U'R U'L F2
 x U F2R F2L'U2R'U2L F'L'U L U L U'F'L F L'U2F R F R'
 x F'U L2F2R'F L'F2R2U F2L'F U L'U'L F U L U'F2L'F U2
 x U2L U2R'F R F'U'R U2L'U2R U R'F'U2L2F L'U R'U F U'
 x R U R U2L'U R'U L F2R'F'R U F'L'U R'U2L2F U'R'F'R'
 x U2L F U'R'F R F2L2U2R U R U'L U2R2F2L F L F'R F2L2 
 x F R2U R'F'U2L U2R'F'U'F R2U R'F'U F U L'U'F U'R'F'
 x F R2U R'F'U F'L'U L U'F'L F L'U2F R U'R'U2L2F2R'F2
 x F R U F'L'U'R U'L U2R2F'U2L U'F'L F L'U'L F2R'F2L2
 x R U2F'L'U L U'F'L F2U'R'U L'U2F'U L2F L'U2R U'L F2
 x F R2U R'F2L F U'R'F'U F2R U F'L2U'L F U'F'U L2F2R2
 x F'U L U L F'L'F U L'U'F U'R'F'L F'R F'U'F'U'R U F2
 x F'U L2F'R F2L2U'F R U R'F'R'F'U2L U'F'L F L'U2F R
 x U2L F U'R'F2L'F R U2L'U'L F U2R'F R F'U'R U R'F2U
 x U2L F U'R'F R F'U'R U2F'L2U2R U'L U2R2F2L F'R F'U2
F R2U R'F'R U2L'U R'U L F U'R'F'U L'U2R U R U'L U' 
F R2U R'F'U'R'U L'U2R U2L F U2R'U F R'F'R U F'U2R'  
F R2U R'F'R U2L'U R'U L F U2R'U F R'F'R U2F'L'U2R'  
F R U'R'U F R'F'R U2F'L'U L U2R'F R U F'L'U L U2R'  
F'U L U'F R2U R'F'U L F L'U R'U2L F'L'U L F'L'F U'  
F R2U R'F'R U2L'U R'U2L U2R'F'U L2F2R'F L'F2R2U F2  
U2L F'L2U'L F2R'F'R U F'L F U2R'F R2U F2L'U'F R U2  
F'U L2F2R'F L'F2R2U F'L F L'U'L F2R'F L2U'F U F'L'  
F'U L2F'R F2L'F U'R'F'U'R U R'F'U2L F'L'F U L'U2F'  
F'U L U L F'L'F U L'U'L F L'U2F R U'R'U F R'F'R U'  
U L'U2R U'L2F U'R'F2U'F R2U R'F'U L F L'U'L'U'F2R'  
F'U L2F L'U2R U R'F'U F'L'F2R U F U'R'U F'L'U'R U2  
U L'U2R U R U'L U2R'F'U L F U L'U R'F R2U R'F'R'F'  
R U'L U'F'L'U'F2R U'R2F'U F R'F'R U F'L'U'L F'R F  
U F'L'U L U L U'F'L F L'U'L F'R F2L2U'F R'F'U F2R  
R U R'F2L F2U F U'R'F R F'U'R U F'U L F'L2U2F R U  

The x above indicates the ones I either did years ago or today. I did several today (June 28, 2020). I thought as I did them I would rely less and less on the notes above, but it ain't happenin'. I'm about ready to put it away for now. At least I have it all set for the next time I want to play with it. Next month? We shall see.

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