Friday, December 4, 2020

4 New Puzzles in November 2020

 Happy Birthday to me! I spent part of the birthday money I got this year on 4 new puzzles.

The 2x2x2 on the left and the 3x3x3 on the right are not new. Between them from left to right we have:
  • QiYi Six Spot Cube
  • MoYu Rediminx
  • MeiLong Maple Leaf Skewb
  • MeiLong Polaris Cube
The Six Spot Cube has a nice feel. It is easy to solve. 

The Rediminx was as simple to figure out as I thought it would be, but for obvious reasons it is not a particularly quick solve. Like the Redicube, the corners only twist, rather than moving around the puzzle. The Move, aka Al-Bob-Charlie, aka Up Forward Down Goback, is the most complex algorithm needed. When the most complex algorithm needed is a sequence of 4 moves, the puzzle can't be very difficult to figure out.

The Maple Leaf Skewb took me the longest to figure out. I tried various things with varied success, but in the end came up with this strategy:
  1. Move the central 3-sided parts to their centers.
  2. Move the petals to their centers.
  3. Solve the skewb.
You know the skewbish puzzles that have pieces that correspond to the squares of a skewb, only they need to be oriented by flipping sometimes? The algorithm is Up Back Down Switchhands Up Forward Down Replace Up Back Down Switchhands Up Forward Down Goback. When solving the pieces of the center squares I would sometimes want to flip the square. At first I would use the 14-move algorithm for flipping edges/centers of skewbish puzzles. After a while I realized that it wasn't necessary to do the whole thing and I just did half of it. 7 moves. Then I realized there was an easier way that only took 3 moves. Then I stumbled upon a way that is only 2 moves. Sweet. The 2 moves? Up Forward. 

Up-Replace-Down and The Move can also be used to solve all the little bits of the Polaris Cube. The corners and centers are solved just like a skewb, except the shape is so wonky it makes the whole thing a bit challenging.

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