Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Yeah. 2020. The year the world was taken over by COVID-19. Or, at least taken over by ... uh ... the idea of COVID-19. I have mixed feelings about the whole mess. How much of the danger is real? How much is exagerated? How many problems have been caused by the handling of this year's virus? Where are we headed? I don't know. I don't even have much of an opinion about it. I am happy to stay at home with my wife, connecting to others through technology. I do not connect with people very much anyway, and in fact, even before the pandemic was declared most of my connecting with people was done online. Granted, we did have to cancel our trip to see Raymond and fam due to the state of affairs. And we chose not to visit Rory and fam too. So some important connections have been disrupted. What to do? Mope? Sink into depression? No!!!! We Zoom! We have been connecting with our grandkids 6 mornings a week. We visit and I read. When our children were small I read aloud a lot to them. We still have most of the books. Now I am reading to the kiddos every day. It is fantastic! One of these days maybe I will make a list of the books we've read this summer.

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