Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Dobrá Voda Forest

The 7 of us recently went on a walk to and through the local forest. It was great! Well, it was great in spite of the ticks or whatever those little bugs we got were. They looked kind of like ticks but none of them attached so I'm not sure. We got them all off while they were still crawling around.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cubing With The CZ Kiddos

All three kiddos have joined in the cubing fun this summer. I remember when I taught Roark how to solve a cube and Roriana had fun exploring on her own with patterns. Here I am teaching 7-year old Annie how to solve the cube and Alex and David enjoy exploring patterns. Alex is also getting into solving a little as he has learned UFDG, which I will explain shortly. Even David can put a short scramble on the cube and get it back to solved.

I have made a page about our cubing and included it in the menu bar. Go to page.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Trees, Rocks, and a Park

We have been here a little over a week now. A couple days ago I left the house for the first time. The kiddos wanted to take me on a walk to the climbing tree.

Eventually we made our way to the rocks nearby.

After playing on the rocks we went back to the trees where we were greeted by a friendly little dog. We also ran around in the field and saw a fun tree.

Can you see the child in the tree in the picture above?

Can you see the child in the tree in the picture above?

Finally we walked to the park.