Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What a Flight!

Sacramento to LA on American was good. Roomy seats. Nice. I read a book on the Kindle Fire. I am reading Shame Interrupted by Edward T. Welch. We had to pick up our checked bags and re-check them. We had plenty of time so it wasn't bad.

LA to Madrid was long, crowded, long. I worked a lot on the BLD technique I am trying to develop so that I can solve a Rubik's Cube without looking at it once I study it at the beginning. BLD is an abbreviation for blindfolded. I am not convinced that I will be able to do it, and I have questions about how to accomplish certain aspects, but it was fun working on it when I was able on the flight. This was the flight when the girl behind me asked me to turn off my light. I also tried to read some. I tried watching movies but couldn't get interested since I couldn't hear them through the earbuds I was using. I listened to music on my Fire using my own Apple earbuds eventually.

We had to really hustle in Madrid to get our connecting flight to Vienna. Barely made it. Madrid to Vienna was a drag. So tired. Kept dozing but didn't really sleep much.

I haven't slept much here in the apartment in Vienna that Raymond got. I was exhausted and slept for a couple hours but then woke up and haven't slept much since. It is now 4 am and there are birds chirping outside.

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