Monday, December 17, 2012

CubeTwist All-in-One Bandage Kit—Big Block Clock

Top Edge Double Swapper

U (R2 U R2 U' R2 U R2 U' R2) U2 (R2 U' R2 U R2 U' R2 U R2) U'

Top Edges 3-Cycle and Top Corners Twist

URU (R'URU') x 1 U'R'U'    =    U (RUR'URU2R') U'
twists corners: BR, BL, FL clock (and does the double corner swap).
3-cycles edges: B to L to F (all on top).

URU (R'URU') x 2 U'R'U'    =    U (RUR'URU2R') x 2 U'
twists corners: FR and BL clock; FL and BR anti.
3-cycles edges: F to L to B (all on top).

Top Corners Twist

URU (R'URU') x 3 U'R'U'    =    U (RUR'URU2R') x 3 U'
FR clock; BL anti. Triple Sune/Triple EPS (18)

U (RUR' U RU2R') (U2 R2) x 3 (R'U'R U' R'U2R) (U2 R2) x 3 (RUR' U RU2R') U'
FR, BR anti; FL, BL clock. U Sune Parallel Sune Parallel Sune U' (35)

Triple Sune/Triple EPS U Sune Parallel Sune Parallel Sune U'
FR, FL anti; BR BL clock (53)

U Sune Parallel Sune Parallel (Sune) x 4 U'
FR, FL clock; BR BL anti (56)

With the big block on the lower right, to twist FL anti and BR clock
U' (L2 U' L2 U L2 U' L2 U L2) L'U' (LU'L'U) x 3 UL (L2 U' L2 U L2 U' L2 U L2) U2 (L2 U L2 U' L2 U L2 U' L2) U2 (L2 U' L2 U L2 U' L2 U L2) U

This is by no means a complete solution guide, but using combinations of these and some other long convoluted sequences, I managed to solve Big Block Clock at least once. Moving on for now. Maybe someday I will revisit Big Block Clock and get closer to really figuring it out.